What is Evergreen Content in a Blog?

Do you have any idea about how many articles are being produced everyday in the internet? Millions of articles! But not all these articles remain relevant after a short period of time. Most of them lose their relevance and become out of date. Only a few articles remain relevant after months and even years…they are evergreen content. 

If the content of a website or blog remains relevant even after years of its publication, i.e. if the content doesn’t go out of date then this type of content is called evergreen content.Evergreen content is extremely valuable for any website or blog as it can satisfy readers over a long period of time. Evergreen content is enduring and it can bring high volume of traffic over a long period of time for any website or blog.

Encyclopedic articles are evergreen contents as they won’t lose their relevance in near future. If you consider this article, it can be referred as evergreen content because there is hardly any chance that this article will become out of date in future. As this article will remain relevant for years, it will supply traffic in this website for years and readers won’t find it out dated.

On the other hand, there are contents that will loose their relevance in a short period of time. If content becomes irrelevant after few days or months of its publication, i.e. if the content goes out of date then this type of content is called current content.Current content is not enduring, hence it is not evergreen. Current content can have substantial value when it gets published but can’t serve the website or blog over a longer period of time.

News articles are not evergreen contents as they will lose their relevance in a short while. News articles can bring high traffic for any website in a specific period of time but don’t serve the purpose in a longer period. News based websites and blogs have to write current content as their main purpose is to concentrate on current issues and their readers expect this thing.

Now you can clearly understand the importance of evergreen contents for a website or blog. If you have a blog, try to write evergreen content as much as you can. If your blog is based on current issues, you’ll have to concentrate on current content creating. But you can try creating some evergreen contents on a regular basis so that these contents can bring you traffic for a long period of time. Creating value in news articles can certainly add to their endurance. Make your article more analytic with cross references. 

What’s your thought on this subject?Do you write evergreen content for your website or blog? Feel free to express your opinion in the comment section.